on the table

open heart surgery. that’s what right now feels like. but not in a bad way. feeling worked on, worked in, and worked out. molded, shaped emptied refined   where i am supposed to be. glad to be growing.

thoughts at one am: did you read this

I am very glad it is Tuesday. I have had a recurring appointment every single Tuesday beginning in January. I like Tuesdays for multiple reasons. // My love for blogging and authenticity is met with hesitation to add additional details. In part because I don’t know who all is reading this…and I fear what people…

ever on my lips

you may recall my ungratefulness in the recent months. i’m happy to say that i sense a transformation taking place. in my last post i mentioned sunrise, simplifying and praise. Praise. I knew with my head, but I couldn’t, I just didn’t have it in my heart, outside of church and outside of singing along…

a new season has begun

my theme for this year is: Sunrise. my current season is going to be one of simplifying, sunrise, and praise. my goal for this photoshoot was to portray this new season, new hope, the light and glow of the sunrise and I am so excited how they turned out. photos by the adorable Haley Brown


I have a goofy grin on my face. I am just really excited about my new little role with co+op. I’m the new leader of online community, and I’ve got myself a sweet little team of photographers and writers of all kinds, and I am just so excited.  I had a tiny little meeting+snacks session…


I hope that this month and the coming days and weeks I can feel and experience the presence of God. That the work he has been doing inside me, in my soul and in my heart, the molding and the shaping, the pruning and the refining, that slowly some buds of fruit would begin to…

a little reminiscing

On Wednesday, the last day I blogged, I expressed that I was not thankful. I was not feeling thankful. As I attempted to locate the home address of those feelings, I ended up in a neighborhood surrounded by bitterness, jealousy, envy, and quite possibly anger.  Not exactly a cul-de-sac of happiness… but I was glad I…

so what

not feeling thankful. so what? don’t care. // the reality is there is stuff under the surface that i just started identifying why i’ve started feeling all bah-humbug-y just identified a few things tonight. so i’ll keep processing and trying to pray about it. pray for me? and if anyone has any suggestions that don’t…

106 days

I was a “missionary” for 106 days, from the date of commissioning. 9,158,400 seconds 152,640 minutes 2544 hours 15 weeks (rounded down) Or 140 days if you count from my first day in Colorado. But for all of my life I’ve identified myself as an MK. I never did get used to the term missionary…

“it was a dark and stormy night”

…it was a dark and stormy night…” It was a dark and foggy night in my case (thankfully no rain…I needed new wipers…last week!)….I was driving home at midnight-thirty from a birthday dinner 25 minutes away. As I head down the freeway I notice spots of fog, literally spots, and confirmed that indeed it was…


longing. In this place and time of transition, in betweens, stuck, and standstill that I find myself in…I am also short on things tying me down to the place I am. Which makes it all that much easier to long for a place that I want to return to. To stay, to live, to work…

my birthday wasn’t so bad

so…here’s what happened on my bday. slept in. got up, got ready went to lunch at the Elephant Bar (one of my faves) with my mom (fave :) had some tasty food drove to church meeting with Justin he made me cry we had a great conversation…mostly he talked…i was crying…:) offered a fun role…