freaking out

so i’m really starting to freak out. running out of time to get ready, out of time to earn money working, and completely out of money for my bills and car stuff that has to happen before i leave. i realize that God is with me, and that he won’t abandon me. He will never…

blog without a title.

I disagree…that ‘it doesn’t matter what you do…‘ with every fiber of my being. I agree that character is important. Integrity is important. I agree that a job/career doesn’t define you. I agree that we should find our purpose in Christ and our worth and fulfillment in Christ. But.   I believe each of us…

Core Sins: Connections (part 3)

I drew this chart (click to enlarge) with my high tech colored pencils using the Enneagram to look at possible connections between related sins. It is crazy how it works and it makes total sense. Each core sin has 2 wings, one on each side, those sins are like occasional sin tendencies…from what I understand….

Core Sins: ENVY Word Study and Notes (part 2)

(This is a little chart I made myself after interpreting the way in which the sins relate from one to another, based on the Enneagram, as mentioned in my last post, click to read and or to see the colored enneagram chart I drew) Envy defined by Merriam-Webster: noun. a painful awareness of another’s possessions or…

Core Sins: ENVY and TYPE FOUR – Study and Notes 1

This is just a resource as I post my discoveries, research and links to figuring out how to deal with my core sin, or signature sin, as we have been going through our Welcome Home series @SandalsChurch, and to share these with friends who have similarities, or if you want to look into your own…

C. S. Lewis on the importance of being real

I know all about the despair of overcoming chronic temptations. It is not serious, provided self-offended petulance, annoyance at breaking records, impatience etc. don’t get the upper hand. No amount of falls will really undo us if we keep on picking ourselves up each time. We shall of course be very muddy and tattered children…

in a rut

That is my confession. Stuck. The best way I knew how to put it in small group was that my heart is not right. Not good, not bad, just not right. And then I read this passage that hit me, and I could see a picture very vividly of the condition of my heart or…


Isn’t it interesting that The Resurrected Jesus appeared with scars, not physically healed, but with evidence; with scars of the crucifixion and torture that had broken him, and literally broken his heart. These scars confirmed to his disciples that he was who he said he was. (Luke 24:39 below, also John 20:27) “See my hands…