open hands

I showed up, tired, wondering why I had gotten up so early that morning, but I was excited to be there.  I was determined to meet God, experience his presence and hear from Him. I had purchased my ticket determinedly. I arrived with expectation. When I found my seat I was content. And then more…

Artisan Soul – Notes from the Book Tour

All I have are tears. Tears and feelings. And questions. Something stirred inside me and I can’t even put words to it. Some notes from tonight. Writing and rereading these was a helpful process. Though I don’t feel anywhere near a conclusion, no resolution, lacking a cadence. It hangs, tension. Just as he said. Also,…

mirror, mirror

somehow i always thought it was a bad thing to wake up and not recognize yourself. God is revealing to me that the opposite is true, for me. that he is transforming me so that i won’t recognize the old me. that he is emptying me. bringing out himself to make me more like him….

Hi my name is Lori and it is a good name

With all the foundational, identity, and internal work God has been doing in my life, I have been seeking to discover who God made me. Something that I considered a small reminder of God’s love for me has proven to be something bigger than I could have imagined. Let me explain… I have gone by…

f is for focus

what’s the first thing you type into your browser? mine is the letter f. f for facebook. without thinking. hoping. waiting. longing for connectedness. fearing that without it, and without cell phone service that i will be left alone. such dramatic and unrealistic fears. a fast had been mentioned a while back. i refused it…considering…

rainbows and promises

a lightness in my soul weight that is lifting as i slowly release it from my grip, my grasp to tightly held doubts, controlling grips and idols, good things that became gods, fears and doubts and pride finally reaching a place where i can actually feel progress. growth. this lump of clay is finally showing…


sandcastles aren’t meant to last i wasn’t meant to be a sandcastle sandcastles sparkle for a few minutes only to crumble at the threat of a wave. i wasn’t made to crumble at the sight of a wave my foundation has some rocks but somehow sand got in and worked it’s way in and my…

a REWORKED prayer – mold me

(special thanks to photographer Nisarg for allowing me to use his image on my blog) Oh God, would you make me like soft clay: moldable, shapeable,  teachable,  love-able, that is, open my heart to love what you love, not just the subjects that I “care” about.  fashion me, form me, rearrange me, rework me. so that…

REWORKED 4. You have left your first Love

This startling statement caused me to weep, ugly cry, tears pouring down my face. It hurt me that I had hurt the Lord in this way. This was the first time in 3 months that these words had been presented to me in this way, in these words. I had loved another. Oh, how that…


This question has plagued me almost everyday for the past 3 months. My identity was so warped and wrapped up in my doing and my talents and my pursuit and my passion. Stepping back and stepping down has been overwhelmingly confusing. Who am I? Some days I’m ok and I don’t think about “IT” But…