june says hello

I’ve poked and prodded and updated my blog theme in hopes of being inspired to write. Not for lack of things to say…but for the focus to sit and write. I peaked at my Pinterest feed and found a nifty post on things your blog needs. It was great, but aimed more at “bloggers”. I…

tears and stolen blessings

Some of my most prized possessions are those inscribed. Last reminders of his presence on earth. And the tears fall as I run my fingers over his name. And I wonder what other wisdom he might have imparted if only we’d had a bit more time. If only he hadn’t gone downhill so quickly. If…

somethings can’t be titled: village easter memories

As I reflect on the somber meaning of Good Friday and Holy Saturday, I’m hit with the reality that the day that follows Easter this year is not a joyful day,  not for my family. I had a lot of emotions last year around this time, they came earlier, I think because Easter was earlier…

On this Holy Saturday

On this Holy Saturday, I am resting and sitting in the tension between the death of Christ and the coming Resurrection that we remember on Easter Sunday. As I read Mark, John, Luke and Matthew’s accounts of the betrayal and trial and death of our Saviour I find myself wondering if I would have stayed…

He is trustworthy

I feared that the events of the past 3 weeks would drag on and be discouragement after disappointment, as they had in the past. Instead, God has totally been present. I have felt carried by prayers of others, of my community and friends and family.  I have failed and there was a mess. And through…

open hands

I showed up, tired, wondering why I had gotten up so early that morning, but I was excited to be there.  I was determined to meet God, experience his presence and hear from Him. I had purchased my ticket determinedly. I arrived with expectation. When I found my seat I was content. And then more…

Artisan Soul – Notes from the Book Tour

All I have are tears. Tears and feelings. And questions. Something stirred inside me and I can’t even put words to it. Some notes from tonight. Writing and rereading these was a helpful process. Though I don’t feel anywhere near a conclusion, no resolution, lacking a cadence. It hangs, tension. Just as he said. Also,…

Celebrating Friendship

Just when you think you can’t go any further…Right when you’re about to call it, “over, done”…Just as you are about to give up and wondering, is this all it will ever be? Is this it? Just me, always struggling, always running behind, always scraping, always anxious, always lonely, always broken? Then, at just the…

sometimes (me)

Sometimes I spend so much time trying to figure out who I am supposed to be that I forget to be who I am. To be me. To be myself. And then I realize that is not who I want to be I want to be me. The me that God made me to be….

Friends for Life

These are three of my favorite ladies. Each of them holds records for being time-tested friends, something which is hard for me to have, with all the moving I’ve done. Some of my oldest, nearest, and dearest of friends, and my sister who beats all counts for knowing me the longest and putting up with…

To Those Who Wait

I found this song in the past week or so and I can’t stop listening to it. It is hands down the best musically and lyrically eloquently and poetic song ever written about waiting. God whispers over me to be still, and I feel restless, and yet there’s a lot of waiting that I need…


sometimes the images tell the story better than words. found this somewhere online last summer and it is smack dab in the middle of this clay season. fighting the resistance, once again. experiencing transitions and trying to keep moving forward. another layer.